Merry Chirstmas! (2023)

A little post, just saying Merry Christmas!

Posted by Muddy on December 21, 2023

Merry Christmas all!

Well, it is that time of year again! Merry Christmas all! Let's hope this Christmas returns us to some sense of "normal" after the last few years...

Christmas as an Adult

Though I am an adult now, I still look forward to the holidays... Mostly becasue of the break I get from work :D

But in all seriousness, the holidays are a time for adults (without kids) to simply relax and decompress. This is what I am hoping to do myself.

It is a time to reflect on the last year. And let's face it, the last few years have sucked... Though I am greatful that my whole family can get togeather for Christmas this year!

What are my plans for the break?

  1. I may do some coding on a project I want to start. I call it: DeployWise (totally used a random name generator :D)

    • It will be an easy, low barrier to entry, way to host k3s at home, without understanding the internals.
    • My hope to is to use it to make home labs easier to deploy and scale as you need to!
    • We don't have anything like this out there right now.
    • Best Part: I want to Open Source it. It is for the greater good
    • If we make it easier to host things yourself, more people will do it, and we won't have to sell our privacy to these big asshole companies.
  2. Def need to think about my life, there are things I want to do, and need to kick myself in the ass to get them done.

    • I am too young to be this grumpy and miserable lol I have the rest of my life to be old.
  3. Finish my home theater and basement project (it is going on year 3 now).

    • I am about 95% done, just need the finishing touches and to buy some nice seating :)
    • Stoked to see the finished product!

Merry Christmas, again!

Anyway, if you are reading this, please have a Merry Christmas, and a happy new year! Let's hope I continue to find the time and motivation to post to this blog :D

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